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Let's populate the web with our skills and knowledge.

It’s times like these we don’t know what to expect…especially in the middle of a pandemic.  COVID-19 has certainly populated our news feeds, social media outlets and caused world wide panic.  Those of us that are non-essential workers, we are at a loss for words.  What is going to happen to the beauty industry as a whole?  Well, I can certainly say we are navigating through some uncharted waters.  But here’s my honest truth…let’s break that mold of uncertainty, and try to come up with creative ways to go about marketing what we do have and go from there.

I recently did a Facebook live to try and get the word out about using products to help maintain and extend the life of my guests’ color at home.  As an educator and stylist, I feel it is my responsibility to inform clients about properly using professional products for at-home-care.  Fortunately for myself, the salon I’m employed at provides a link where guests can purchase our products from the comfort of their living room.

Why is this important?  Well, first and foremost, knowledge is power.  While our clients are at home self-quarantining, they are most likely wondering when salons will re-open their doors, because they’re either A.) Panicking because their color is fading and their roots are showing and/or B.) Running out of products to use.

Here’s what we can do…we can educate our clients.  We were gifted with the opportunity to provide a service that ultimately makes our guest look and feel their best.  If we can do this in the salon, we most certainly have the power to do it from the convenience of our own home.  We spend countless hours and money on education anyways.  Think about it, we are constantly keeping up with trends so that we stay current with the latest styles and products to use.  Let’s take advantage of all that knowledge and skill, and use our social media platform to inform the public.

Never done a live stream before, that’s ok.  Record yourself on video and then post.  Don’t have access to a link where consumers can purchase products from your salon, then purchase them yourselves and provide kits for them to use.  (This excludes any color formulation.  My advice is to check with your salon owner first or insurance company.)  Every other business is doing it, even gyms across the nation are providing exercise classes, why can’t we provide our skills over the inter-web and do the same?

Everyone is experiencing this income loss in their own personal way.  I also understand that not everyone can afford the extra expenses right now, and I totally respect that.  These are just some ideas we can offer to help our guests feel somewhat at ease.  Trust me when I say, we have to take this one day at a time.  Emotions and stress levels are at an extreme high right now.  But imagine what we could do if we offered our assistance with at-home-hair-care.  We have the ability to change our perspective and get creative.  After all, what are we if we don’t think outside of the box?



Located at:
Meche Beauty Lounge
76 Center Street
Wallingford, CT 06492
Phone:  203.800.5162

Photography by
Kathy McGarry
Kate Burke

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