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It Was A Salty Air, Sandy Toes Kinda Mother's Day

Updated: May 14, 2020

Today started like any other day...waking up around 6:30 am to James sound asleep on the love seat (we stayed up and watched a movie the night before, and both fell asleep in the living room) and Audri was at my mother-in-law's house. Rob was already out the door by 6:15 am to leave for work. As I laid on the couch, I could hear Cali whimpering from her dog bed, patiently waiting for me to get up and feed her. I continued to lay on the couch for about 15 minutes, before I finally got up to start a pot of coffee and feed Cali. She happily followed me into the kitchen, I let her out to do her business, snd she comes scurrying back inside and inhales her food within a matter of seconds.

We both take advantage of the quiet time we have before the television turns on to either "Mickey Mouse Club House" or "Blue's Clue's." I made myself comfortable in my cozy little corner, with a journal in my hand to write down what I'm grateful for, and my book, "Rising Strong," by Brene Brown to read after. As I sat down, I looked over at James and smiled. I put my journal down, forgot about my coffee and laid back down on the couch. What was the hurry to get things done today...absolutely nothing. So I gave myself permission to stay in bed/or the couch for that matter, until he woke up.

I had no plans whatsoever to accomplish anything this morning, other than at least take a shower and finish my blog. Quarantined or not, I couldn't have asked for a better day. Actually, It kinda rolled into itself really. It was unplanned, go with the flow, enjoy the weather and see where the wind took us. Well, a few hours later, I reached out to my MIL (Mother-in-Law) and we all decided to take a drive out to the beach. The beach has always been my happy place. Growing up on an island, made me appreciate the tranquil sounds of the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Today was especially windy and turbulent, but we didn't care. We were so happy to be out of the house, and enjoying each other's company.

Something about the drive to Hammonassette, really opened my eyes this afternoon as we were driving down Interstate 95. Everything was so lush and green, tree blossoms waving back at us, as we were enjoying the sights and the sky was such a pretty blue. I realized for the first time in a long while, how picturesque this all seemed. The colors of Spring for miles on end, were so beautifully displayed on the side of the highway. It almost makes you wonder if mother nature was trying to tell us something, since this whole pandemic started. Either way, it was a different feeling...a feeling of calmness.

We finally get off the exit leading us to the state park entrance. James, strapped in his car seat from the back, asks if we we’re there yet. I tell him in about five minutes, we'll be parking and walking down to the beach in no time. When we got there, man was it windy. If we were back home in Saipan, the islanders would say the water was good for surfing and as crazy as it sounds, swimming to. The tide was high, and you could see the white foam on the sand, as the waves crashed in and out from the ocean.

I was home. My heart knew it, and it was happy. There is nothing like the salty air to bring you back to your roots. I can't tell you how many times I wish I was back home. The older I get, the more I have this desire to fly my family across international waters, so they can finally get a taste of what it was like for my brother and I growing up in Saipan. Funny how when you're younger you can't wait to move out and travel to all these places, and as you get older you have more of an appreciation for the things you once had. I miss home everyday. I was content to spend my mothers day at the one place, where I could let my self go and just be me.

Jokingly, if my parents were in town and we had taken them to our beaches, they'd be freezing their butt's off. Don't get me wrong we were cold to, but living out here for almost 14 years, I've had to adapt to our bipolar, New England weather. Having that extra layer of thick skin came in handy, especially on this chilly day by the sea. But all jokes aside, sitting on the surprisingly warm sand, enjoying the view, while eating lunch, was the perfect way to spend our Mother's Day. Nora and I were in our glory. So many of the things we take for granted are the littlest of gestures. It brought a sense of peace, watching my kids laugh and squeal, every time a seagull came swooping by us. Truthfully, it was quite comical to see them jump and duck at the same time. These are the moments to cherish. These are the things that memories are made of. Being present and enjoying your surroundings. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and hope this short little story, brightened up your mood today. Wishing you all a beautiful and joyous Mother's Day!



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Meche Beauty Lounge
76 Center Street
Wallingford, CT 06492
Phone:  203.800.5162

Photography by
Kathy McGarry
Kate Burke

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