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I'm Just Happy to be Doing What I Love

I am so thankful to be back into the swing of things. We've definitely found our groove third week in and by the end of the week, we had a pretty good system down. If I'm being completely honest though, I didn't sign up for this. I have to say, there were moments I thought I wasn't able to do this...and then I had to remind myself that this was only temporary...for however long it has to be. I have so many feelings about how this Pandemic has set us back a few months. Trying to catch up has definitely been challenging, but each new day presents a glimpse of hope as we see everyone walk into the salon, just so appreciative to finally get their hair done.

The way I see it, March was a pivotal moment for everyone that was affected by COVID-19. We all were completely and unexpectedly uprooted from our livelihoods, within a matter of days. It was uncertain, what the next few months were going to look like for most people. The struggle was real. With close to three months of unemployment, and barely scratching the surface to make ends meet, we finally got word that businesses would begin to open on June 1st. While still nervous and hesitant to open our doors to the public, we all had to make adjustments in our schedules, find sufficient child care, comply with new and regulated state guidelines, and finally ride with the wave of change. The first week was a transitional week. Getting to know our surroundings, remembering to check everyone in at the door, and remembering to take periodic breaks throughout the day.

I know I'm not the first person to admit this, and I'm certainly not the last either, but the PPE we are all required to wear, slowly depletes my energy levels through out the day...especially, on longer days at the salon. My saving grace while being back at work, has been to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I can't stress this enough. As hairdressers, we sometimes combine lunch and dinner in one sitting, and barely have enough time for a bathroom break on busy days. With the new guidelines in place, there are more blocks in our schedule for cleaning and it makes for an even longer day. Our "new normal," is anything but normal.

However, all set backs aside, it's been refreshing to know that our clients have been more than understanding and so appreciative since we've been back. It's been so nice to finally have human interaction with people, other than my spouse and children. Believe me, I'm so grateful I can have an adult conversation again with my clients, who I've missed over the last three months or so. I'm just so happy to be doing what I love again. This journey has only just begun. There's not a doubt in my mind that protocols will continue to change, as we navigate through our state's reopening plan one phase at a time.

As we continue to practice proper social distancing and remain safe while treading cautiously through this Pandemic, time will only tell what our future holds. Hopefully, we are closer in discovering a vaccination that will once and for all, prevent this deadly virus from causing so much havoc, world wide. All I know is, thank goodness for social interaction again. I don't mind giving out "air or virtual" hugs, but there's just nothing like the real deal. Until that day comes, I will continue to greet you with my arms out wide, a concealed smile from underneath my mask, and maybe throw in a few "air" high fives as you leave, feeling all sorts of human again! Please continue to be safe and I can't wait to see you all soon!



Located at:
Meche Beauty Lounge
76 Center Street
Wallingford, CT 06492
Phone:  203.800.5162

Photography by
Kathy McGarry
Kate Burke

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